Welcome to iPTT Africa
iPTT Africa solves the communication challenges faced by many businesses in Africa. Using the iTALKPTT Two Way Radios platform, it is now possible to communicate from anywhere in the world.
POC (Press-To-Talk Over Cellular), also referred to as PTT Radios, is a digital network radio that makes use of cellular phone networks. These devices operate like conventional Two-Way Radios but with instant access of up to 1000 devices in one channel. Understanding PTT Radios in-depth allows organizations to harness their full potential and reap the benefits they offer.
POC Radios (Push-To-Talk over Cellular) are essentially VoIP devices that serve grouped users.
Similar to Skype or Zoom, voice communication is achieved by using the Internet, however, the audio connection is not continuous and like traditional radio transceivers, the party speaking has to keep a PTT (Push-To-Talk) button depressed. There can be only one user talking at a time, but everyone in that group can hear the transmission.
As state-of-the-art modern devices, POC transceivers also offer additional features over traditional analogue radio systems.